Start | Powering & Embarking on Your Device is the official platform for setting up and managing your Trezor hardware wallet. It offers a user-friendly interface designed to make cryptocurrency storage and …

To begin using your Trezor hardware wallet, you can follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Visit Trezor's Website: Open your web browser and go to the official Trezor website at

  2. Choose Your Trezor Model: On the Trezor start page, you'll see options for different Trezor models, such as Trezor One or Trezor Model T. Select the model you have or intend to set up.

  3. Download Trezor Bridge (if required): Depending on your operating system and browser, you may need to download and install Trezor Bridge, a communication software that allows your Trezor device to connect with your computer. Follow the instructions provided on the website to download and install Trezor Bridge if necessary.

  4. Connect Your Trezor Device: Once Trezor Bridge is installed (if required), connect your Trezor device to your computer using the USB cable provided with your device.

  5. Follow On-Screen Instructions: The Trezor website will guide you through the setup process step by step. This typically involves initializing your device, setting up a new wallet, and creating a PIN code. Follow the on-screen instructions carefully to complete the setup process.

  6. Write Down Your Recovery Seed: During the setup process, you'll be given a recovery seed (also known as a seed phrase or backup phrase). This is a list of words that serves as a backup for your wallet. Write down the recovery seed on the provided recovery card and store it in a safe and secure location. Do not share your recovery seed with anyone and do not store it electronically.

  7. Confirm Your Recovery Seed: After writing down your recovery seed, you'll be prompted to confirm it by entering the words in the correct order. This is to ensure that you've accurately recorded your recovery seed.

  8. Set Up Your PIN: Choose a PIN code for your Trezor device. This PIN code will be required every time you want to access your device.

  9. Install Trezor Wallet Software (Trezor Suite): Once the setup process is complete, you can install the Trezor Wallet software (Trezor Suite) on your computer. Follow the instructions provided on the Trezor website to download and install Trezor Suite.

  10. Access Your Wallet: After installing Trezor Suite, you can use it to access and manage your cryptocurrency wallet. Follow the instructions provided in the Trezor Suite interface to set up your wallet and start managing your cryptocurrencies securely.

By following these steps, you'll be able to set up your Trezor hardware wallet and start using it to securely store and manage your cryptocurrencies. Remember to keep your recovery seed safe and never share it with anyone.

Last updated